Behind the Scenes
The making of Trust
Capturing Form
Journalist Sarah Anderson has in my view written the most beautiful article exploring these nano sculptures. You can find it here at
Journalist Sarah Anderson has in my view written the most beautiful article exploring these nano sculptures. You can find it here at
At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Nano Micro Facility. In the "clean room" laboratory under yellow light, rendering the sculpture in a sterile environment on a nanoscribe machine.
For media: Click here for these images in hi-res
Under the scanning electron microscope the team analyses and photographs the nano sculptures.
Its wonderful to see such a diverse group of people come together on this R&D project. The merging of art and science is a beautiful symbol of our time.
The final testament to any research project is what it yields. These images speak for themselves in my view. Each of you has shone. Thank you.
Muse and partner
Yifat Davidoff
Fabrication and Imaging
Institute of Microstructure Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Stefan Hengsbach
Florian Rupp
Paul Abaffy
Nanotech Advisory
Yehiam Prior, Weizmann Institute of Science
Yifat Davidoff
Tamara Broido,
Oded Davidoff
Hugo Gillum Webb
Background Imaging and Photography
Jens Rafaelsen, Aalborg University (Ant Image)
The Aberystwyth University of Wales, Bioimaging Laboratory (Needle image)
Graeme Gibbons
Data Capture, Modelling and Re-touching
Graham Walker
Jonathan Seeney
Lee Perry-Smith
Geoff Atkinson
Fred Atkinson
Vera Productions
Grant and Jo Cameron