Hosted at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, the event theme, Lab2App, conveys what we expect the talks will offer to a broad audience: insight into transforming an idea from the laboratory/workbench/drawing board into something whose application/realisation has the potential to positively impact the lives of many.
Scope Miami 2019
We were so excited that we got to help SCOPE Miami celebrate its 19th edition, in Miami Beach. Honouring its perpetual mission to provide a platform for discovery, SCOPE welcomes 134 diverse contemporary exhibitors featuring The New Contemporary, a genre that stands as a critical contribution to both global politics and local community engagement.
This is not one to miss!
Check out Miami Scope for news and details about their next event in 2020 below:
El País Feature - Nano Sculptures
It’s great to see the art of 3D printing being featured in El País. El País is a Spanish-language daily newspaper in Spain.
You can read the full article by clicking the link below:
Talk At The Centre For The History And Philosophy Of Physics
Throughout the ages physics has sought to explain the nature of matter both on Earth and in the heavens. Millennia ago, the Greek philosophers posited the existence of atoms, thereby launching a journey through the centuries, which in due course confirmed their existence and have made them tools of our everyday life.